by Kazeem Olalekan
I read with interest this recent news article in the PJ which suggests that Rowlands Pharmacy has decided “to split the current role of its superintendent in two, with externally focused duties separated from statutory duties”.
This structure clearly mirrors the changes the profession is going through and chimes with the call I made in March of last year on this blog for multiples to swim in synchronicity with the changes in the profession. I called for a structure which must now mirror what is happening at the new RPSGB. A pharmacy leadership champion must be appointed at a reasonably high organisational level who will have specific remit: Build a motivated, independent and professional pharmacist workforce which is confident to engage with the profession at large and quite comfortable to defend the company’s positions. That will of course differ from the disenfranchised workforce which we are currently seeing in some instances. It will be a position of leadership for a suitably qualified candidate who can gain the confidence of his/her professional colleagues. You cannot get any higher than the superintendent level!
Rowlands Pharmacy has clearly decided to swim with the profession and win gold medal in what is the Olympic sport of synchronised swimming.
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