by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS My advise to patients requesting antibiotics for common cold will be: Stop; take a deep breath and count to 72 hours. There is now a well recognised problem of increasing antimicrobial resistance due to overuse (1). We all have a duty to do
Read more →by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS On Tuesday the 20th of October 2009, the Southampton Branch of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society hosted a presentation by Dr Kieran Hand, Consultant Pharmacist – Anti-infectives at Southampton University Hospitals Trust. It was a remarkably successful evening on a number of fronts and
Read more →Tonight in conjuction with Pfizer, are supporting an important Branch meeting on Antibiotics Resistance (-Just another example of big Pharma working with Pharmacists). Download the events pdf here. The talk on Antibiotic Resistance will be given by no other than Dr Kieran Hand, Consultant Pharmacist –
Read more →Here, we follow up on our post of the 15th of September 2009 titled: New Packaging: What is the point? Here is another evidence of increasing use of extra layer of packaging for medicinal products. Anyone with ingenious ways of tackling this increasing problem?
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