by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS I will be upfront….This is not a scare story. This is a story about a pharmacist’s attempt to cut through an issue that was brought to our consciousness recently (27/02/2012) by the publication on BMJ Open of a paper alerting us to the
Read more →by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS This is a play on the word ‘fix’ to make a serious point in relation to Aspirin. Fix as defined by (1) has 26 definition for the verb – ‘fix’, and 6 definition for noun ‘fix’. Four of these are listed below:
Read more →by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS A news article on the BBC Today program ( came to my attention yesterday about Avandia. It left me concerned for my patients and disappointed in the regulatory framework and in particular at GSK’s response. The concern about Avandia is not new. In
Read more →by Kazeem Olalekan There is something important called the general election happening right now. On May the 6th (3 days from today), the citizens of the United Kingdom will elect one MP for each of the 650 constituencies to the House of Commons(1). There has been a
Read more →by Kazeem Olalekan With glowing hearts, United States of America bagged 9 Gold medals, 15 silver medals and 13 bronze medals in the recent winter Olympics in Vancouver. A total medal haul of 37, seven more than their closest rival, Germany. Great Britain, on the other hand,
Read more →The issue surrounding the suspended sentence handed out to our colleague, Elizabeth Lee, has exercise a lot of passion amongst practising pharmacists. It moved myself to write this article. The latest update in this sorry episode is the report by the coroner on the 4th of March
Read more →by Kat Mesner Some of you may be aware of the Babylon Tower debacle. The story goes that at one point in the history the world had one common language as they all descended from one man. A part of the world’s people moved eastward and
Read more →Tonight in conjuction with Pfizer, are supporting an important Branch meeting on Antibiotics Resistance (-Just another example of big Pharma working with Pharmacists). Download the events pdf here. The talk on Antibiotic Resistance will be given by no other than Dr Kieran Hand, Consultant Pharmacist –
Read more →We hate to be picky here but this issue of extra packaging layer is our bugbear just now. We have now catalogued three cases (including this one). Maybe if we continue to do this, someone will take note and come up with a wonderful idea to minimise
Read more →Here, we follow up on our post of the 15th of September 2009 titled: New Packaging: What is the point? Here is another evidence of increasing use of extra layer of packaging for medicinal products. Anyone with ingenious ways of tackling this increasing problem?
Read more →It is difficult not to have noticed the oncoming significant change in community pharmacy regulation. We are referring to the Responsible Pharmacist regulation which is due to take effect in eh…3 days (1st October 2009). At, we call it “the birth of responsibility”. If this is
Read more →by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS MBCS Pharmacist 2.0 is a parody on Web 2.0. Yes, it is funny but there is a serious underlying point to this. What is Web 2.0? Wikipedia describe Web 2.0 as “web development and web design that facilitates interactive information sharing,
Read more →There is always a number of valid and reasonable factors which inform or influence changes in packaging of medicinal (and other) products. We scratched our head to find a justifiable reason why the packaging of Dermol 200 shower gel (pictured) had to change. On the right is
Read more →Click here to read about how Pharmacists can play a role
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