by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS

When it comes to vision, I know what I will like mine to be like. Your visual acuity can be measured using a Snellen chart (pictured).


A 20/20 vision means you can read the size 20 letters from a distance of 20 feet. This is considered to be normal by opticians. All I want to be is normal. I want to see what others can see. Not worse or better than normal: just normal.

For an organisation with a goal to be a world-class centre of clinical and academic achievement, where staff work together to ensure patients receive the highest standards of care and the best people want to come to learn, work and research by 2020 (1), it is heartening that in 2011, it has taken the first step towards that goal.

I am of course referring to the landmark moment when Southampton University Hospital Trust achieve a Trust Foundation Trust status (2).



Congratulation to the now: University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.


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