by Kazeem Olalekan
In August of this year, reported on the antimicrobial iphone app developed by the team at Southampton University Hospital NHS Trust (now: University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust). At the end of that piece, Kazeem promised to try and get an interview with Dr Kieran Hand, the pharmacist involved in the App development. Well we did!
Dr Hand gave a great interview. Some great quotes from the interview are:
“Multidisciplinary teams are challenging but worth the effort. The fundamental thing for me is that you should really be sincere about your desire to work in a multidisciplinary team and not just pay lip service to the concept of multidisciplinary team and that means showing respect to colleagues who work in different areas and different specialties and genuinely listening to what they have to say and acting upon it”
“The objective of the app is to make information available to the doctors at the bedside that would support their clinical decision making”
Listen to the full interview here.
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