by Kazeem Olalekan
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is navigating through a seismic wave of change with the talent of a professional surfer. The wave can be precarious but the Society is navigating through it gracefully and effortlessly – or so it seems. It is for this reason that I have resolved to renew my membership this year. The society offers me so much more: The networking opportunities, The informative webinars, The debate – even the passionate ones! Last year has been value for money for me and it is incumbent on all members to maximise their use of the facilities which the society has to offer.For another year, I am in!
Read why other notable pharmacists are remaining members:
I’m joining because I want to be part of the only body that embraces all members of the pharmacy family…
Professor Roger Walker FRPharmS, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer – Wales
Our new Society will unite the profession and provide ways for us, as members, to demonstrate our professionalism
Steve Tomlin MRPharmS, Consultant Pharmacist – Children’s Services
I’m joining the new professional body because I believe its support will optimise my professional standing in a multidisciplinary working environment.
Joanne Kember MRPharmS, Pharmacy Manager
I am joining the Society because I am proud to be an FRPharmS. Being a member means to me that I will be empowered to make a real difference to patients…
Gill Hawksworth FRPharmS, Teacher Practitioner
The profession needs a credible and authoritative voice to show how pharmacy can contribute to effective patient care.
Professor Anthony Smith FRPharmS, Principal and Dean of the School of Pharmacy, University of London
I am in. What about you?
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