by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS
Do you know what has been our bugbear for a while now? How we can safely and effectively transfer our patients from one care setting to another. As a pharmacist, I am focussing on the medication journey. We haven’t done that very well in the past. It is not surprising therefore that the Royal Pharmaceutical Society recently issued a Transfer of care guidance – a brief guide for pharmacists. The overriding focus of the guide (not surprisingly) is: Communication! Communication!! Communication!!!
That is:
Better communication and engagement between hospital and community pharmacy.
It is therefore a great pleasure to announce a series of forthcoming events on the effective Transfer of Care in the Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Dorset regions. The events are titled: Transfer of Care – a tale of two discharges. The organising of the events is the unprecedented collaboration between different organisations: The Royal Pharmaceutical Society(RPS); The Wessex Pharmacy Forum (Local arm of the RPS); The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) and the Dorset LPC.
These are important dates for your diary if you work as a pharmacist or pharmacy staff in the hospital or community practice in Dorset, Hampshire or Isle of Wight. You don’t have to attend them all. Just one will do.
To book your place on this hot ticket event just
click here for the event leaflet
Make it a day not to be missed! Hope to see you in one of the events.
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