welcomes the bold move by the Superintendent of Asda Pharmacy, John Evans to lead the formation of a Listening group for locum pharmacists. He posted a comment on the Locum Voice website on the 31st of December (link), in which he describes his company’s keenness to “learn what we need to do to support locums when they work with us at Asda”. His post has attracted 89 comments so far; mostly very encouraging and welcomed. recommend that all locum pharmacists providing services to ASDA engage with the company on specific areas of concern. Engagement is critical to understanding areas in which organisations can support the professional pharmacist locum. This move chimes with the spirit of our post in March of last year (link) when we call for multiples to engage better with their pharmacists workforce; whether locums or those employed full time. We hope all the other multiples are doing the same in their own ways.

Mr Evans has left his contact details on the post, which we think signifies that he is taking personal charge of this issue which we believe to be very important. Listening is the first part of a process which should end with action. We hope that ASDA is planning to see the process through.

All locum pharmacists wishing to work for ASDA are required to register on their website (

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