About the Hampshire project:
In our February 2012 blog (link), we announced a strategic shift in the Hampshire project. Our primary focus now is:
- Reflecting on important and relevant healthcare news from various sources
- Generating original healthcare news materials of our own
Old project document...
- Must be registered as an MUR Evangelist. To register, go to MUROnline
( http://www.medicines-use-review.co.uk/mur-evangelist.asp )
Why MUR Evangelist?We believe that MUROnline is setting and re-enforcing some important standards which we can all aspire to as pharmacists. To fully understand and appreciate what these are, we recommend that you keep a watch on what they are doing. To make this easier, we have created a page which will give you a quick update of what is happening on MUROnline.
(Â http://www.bookapharmacist.com/?page_id=108Â )
Pay a subscription fee of £150/year*
* This annual subscription fee is fully refundable only after you have made 30 or more bookings with bookapharmacist.com.  You will be able to pay online or by cheque to Iforg Limited, Suite 2, 151 High Street, Southampton. SO14 2BT.Why should I pay a subscription fee?This is why we assert that bookapharmacist.com will not be for everyone. If the subscription fee puts you off, then we are probably not the right organisation for you. By paying the fee, you are asserting your statement of intent. You are effectively choosing to join us, above any other agency. When you see what we aim to offer, you will soon realise why this is of great value. Our priority is to support our pharmacists using a number of tools. The subscription fee is a good way of guaranteeing that we can continue to provide this support.Does everyone engaged through bookapharmacist.com have to pay a subscription?
The changes we are making the term is this: You will be given your own bookapharmacist-google account, after you have made 30 booking with bookapharmacist.com. The bookapharmacist-google account will remain valid for every year that you make a minimum of 30 bookings. Only when you have the google account can you have full access to any premium contents.The answer is yes and no! Be rest assured that we are governed by a high standard code of professional practice – We are a corporate member of the Recruitmet and Employment Federation.
Yes, because our ultimate goal is for everyone recruited at bookapharmacist.com to pay a subscription fee. So at some point in the future, you will have to pay a subscription fee. Our policy is that this fee will be fully refundable after you have completed a minimum number of bookings. This number is currently set at 30. If due to unforseen circumstances or events, we have to change these terms, we will give you plenty of notice.
( Terms:Â http://www.bookapharmacist.com/?page_id=39Â )
( REC: http://www.rec.uk.com/home ).No, because we are waiving the first year’s subscription fee for the first 15 pharmacists that request to join us and who meet all our criteria. It is early days for us and we want these pharmacists to provide active feedback (positive and negative) to us in order that we can tweak the service to suit different requirements.No, Because we have decide to waive subscription fees to ‘friends of bookapharmacist.com‘ (FROBs). They will be able to take bookings through us but will not have access to Google Apps and any online training materials (details under benefits below).Who are the friends of bookapharmacist.com?
We figured out that there are pharmacists out there happily employed in their different areas of practice, who are very impressed with what we are trying to do with respect to this project. They probably do the odd pharmacy locum here and there and subscribe to our philosophy. These pharmacists are able to support the project through booking their pharmacy engagements with us. These are the friends of bookapharmacist.com or FROBs.
Qualifying criteria to become a FROB
- Demonstrate that they are fully employed elsewhere.
- Are registered MUR Evangelists
- Subscribe fully to our terms of engagement and share our motto.
Service Limitation
- No access to Google Apps
- No access to restricted Online training materials
How to apply
To apply to be a friend of bookapharmacist.com, simply complete the expression of interest form and we will get back to you promptly.
Expression of interest form
(Â Â http://www.bookapharmacist.com/?page_id=22Â )
- Housekeeping: Finally, we will need to conduct basic checks required by law to verify your identity. We will advise that you familiase yourself with Fact sheet 10 produced by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
( http://www.rpsgb.org/pdfs/factsheet10.pdf ).
Let us assume that we haven’t put you off yet. Then you must read on for the good bits. The following is a list of benefits you will get from signing up with us.
- You are differentiating yourself by joining us. You are telling the employers that if something cannot be done, it is not from want of trying! Nil volentibus arduum! We will be encouraging employers to recognise you on this basis – please don’t let them or us down!
- You get to deploy the power of Google Apps – Premium Edition. When you register, you start your own cloud computing. With this powerful web application, you will get your own piece of the real estate that is bookapharmacist.com! For example, if your name is Stephen, then you will get an account looking something like this: stephen@bookapharmacist.com (if the name has not been taken by another user). We have used it and we like it. You can get a free version through Google and we encourage you to try it out. We will be using these tools to achieve our project aims. Let us just hand you over to Google to tell you more about the Apps:
- Video about Google Apps (  http://www.youtube.com/googleapps )
- Help Centre for Users (  http://google.com/support/a/users/?hl=en )
- Comparison between the premier and standard editions
(  http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/business/editions.html)REMEMBER, Google are constantly working tirelessly to add more features to Google Apps. Why not take a few moments to suggest some features you will like on Google Apps. We are sure they will love to hear from you (  http://moderator.appspot.com/#16/e=87fd ).
- Training and Support: Our colleagues at MUROnline will provide a forum for MUR Evangelists and we recommend that you use these. However, the most important benefits you will get from bookapharmacist.com (apart from a steady stream of work) is support and motivation. We think this priceless in the current climate of change. And if there is something you are keen to know, just ask!
- Offer of quality and varied work. We believe in addition to normal locum engagements, our pharmacist will benefit from offer of varied work such as troubleshooting a store, partake in focus group discussions, offer of paid articles for a variety of journals and newspapers etc. The possibilities are endless – you are the medicines expert after all! When we get any such offers, we will crossmatch the skills needed to successfully complete the task with your skill set and we will make you an offer. Our processess are transparent and all we are concerned about is getting the job done using the best person for that job.
- Other benefits: There are a host of other benefits which include running regular competitions and bringing the best deals to our members. As we unearth these benefits, you will be the first to know about them.
We are glad you are still reading. If we haven’t put you right off yet, then maybe you might wonder why bookapharmacist.com? We will ask you to read the contribution of our CEO to the transitional committee titled ‘The Case for Community Pharmacy’ (Â Â http://www.transitionalcommittee.com/blog/?p=40Â ). When this combined with the philosophy underpining an MUR Evangelist, then it is clear to us that the status quo is unacceptable. Unacceptable for our patients and unacceptable for our pharmacists. The pharmacists who choose to work in a particular area of practice must be able to go home in the knowledge that they have done the best they possibly can for their patients. And that is what bookapharmacist.com is all about!