About: Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS
Posts by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS:
- Using your inhalers correctly: The Asthma Series (March 18, 2014 - vid)
- How saving a penny can cost you a pound… (March 18, 2014 - Opinion)
- My Conference Notes 3: The unfinished observation (November 25, 2013 - Conference, Opinion)
- What’s New? The BNF and BNFc updates (November 24, 2013 - Updates)
- Dementia: A priority in Hampshire (November 11, 2013 - Our Response)
- When Kazeem met Perveen… (November 6, 2013 - Case Studies)
- Cummulative Update (October 31, 2013 - Alerts)
- Keep Calm & Stay Professional (May 3, 2013 - Conference)
- Last Man Standing (Mr Andy Fox) (April 28, 2013 - vid)
- If you can see the damage, you’ll stop! (December 29, 2012 - vid)
- Case Study 8: Being Cyril (December 27, 2012 - Case Studies)
- My Conference notes 2: What is Medicines Optimisation? (December 24, 2012 - Conference)
- Case Study 7: To infinity and beyond… (December 6, 2012 - Case Studies)
- My Conference notes 1: Pharmacy Management National Forum (November 28, 2012 - Conference)
- Pharmacy: The Profession of Aspiration (November 26, 2012 - Opinion)