About: Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS
Posts by Kazeem Olalekan MRPharmS:
- Tagging the Election in England, Scotland and Wales (May 29, 2012 - Opinion)
- Who’s Who in Scotland and Wales – Election 2012 (May 20, 2012 - News)
- Taxpayers’ Alliance report on MUR – a riposte (May 15, 2012 - vid)
- Professional Support – Dealing with children who are collecting medicines from pharmacy (May 12, 2012 - News)
- CPPE – The App that challenges you (May 9, 2012 - Exclusive Review, Opinion)
- The Who’s Who – Election 2012 (May 8, 2012 - News)
- A few good men – A tribute to the spine of the service (May 7, 2012 - Opinion, Reflection)
- Inhaler techniques – information resources (May 7, 2012 - Opinion)
- Cloudy but clearly OK – MHRA Class 4 alert for Priadel Liquid (May 4, 2012 - Alerts)
- Take note: PPIs and emerging issues (April 22, 2012 - Alerts)
- Time to reflect – The MUR Evangelist Journey (April 20, 2012 - Reflection)
- Transfer of Care – A tale of two discharges (April 13, 2012 - News)
- Wrong Choices? (April 11, 2012 - News, Opinion)
- How funny is that? (April 10, 2012 - vid)
- What alternatives?: A matter of sleep or death? (April 9, 2012 - Articles)